Juvenile Diabetes is properly known as Type 1 Diabetes. Insulin present in the pancreas is essential for converting the glucose present in your bloodstream to fuel. When affected with Type 1 diabetes, your immune system will destroy all the insulin-making cells in your pancreas.
What Is Juvenile Diabetes?
It is named Juvenile diabetes since it is very common among kids and youngsters. Initially, the symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are simple but they become severe as days pass by.
According to the statistics of the American Diabetes Association more than 1.6 million Americans have Type 1 diabetes. Of this, around 187000 accounts for children and adolescents.
Normally the food you eat will be broken into glucose to provide energy to your body. This glucose will enter your bloodstream and signal the pancreas to release insulin.
For the glucose in your bloodstream to spread across various body muscles you need insulin. With Type 1 diabetes all of these bodily functions get disrupted. In addition, a lack of insulin will increase blood sugar levels and lead to hyperglycemia. This will also disable your body to consume energy from the food you eat.
Synthetic insulin will be provided to people with Type 1 diabetes so that they can live healthy life. The difference between Type 1 & Type 2 diabetes is that in Type 2 diabetes your pancreas will generate adequate insulin whereas in Type 1 diabetes your pancreas will not generate any insulin.
For Type 1 diabetes to get worse it will take several weeks. Some of the most common symptoms of Type 1 diabetes are excessive thirst and hunger, frequent urination, excessive weight loss, blurriness of vision, very slow healing of cuts, Dry mouth, frequent skin infections, and so on.
When talking about how to treat Type 1 diabetes the key is maintaining your blood sugar levels. Insulin shots at regular intervals are the first prerequisite. The insulin will be injected into your bloodstream under your skin. Insulin shots are injected in multiple types depending on the needs of your body.
Types Of Insulin
There are many types of insulin namely rapid-acting insulin, regular or short-acting insulin, intermediate-acting insulin, and long-acting insulin. Your medical expert will prescribe which insulin will be ideal for you. Unfortunately, insulin cannot be taken in the form of a pill as the digestive juices in your body will destroy the insulin before it could have a chance to work.
The second prerequisite is exercising. But you have to be very careful while performing the exercise as exercise will alter your blood sugar levels. The insulin level and diet have to match with the quantum of exercise to not tire your body. Any time you start exercising you have to check your blood sugar level. A healthy eating plan where your carbs, fat, and protein are balanced must become your diet routine.
It is important to have regular medical, dental, and vision exams. This will ensure all organs of your body function properly.
It is essential to stay away from any triggers that will support Type 1 diabetes. This diabetes can be triggered even by a virus like cold or common flu. So any time you catch a viral infection you have to be extra careful and consult with your medical expert appropriately.
Although it is not possible to treat Type 1 diabetes permanently you can maintain your blood sugar levels and protect your overall health with the help of diet and regular exercise. Type 1 diabetes if not treated properly can lead to organ failure and even result in death. You must consult a medical expert at regular intervals. Type 1 diabetes is normally treated by an endocrinologist, a person who treats hormone issues.