Fight off Health Issues with the Best Probiotics for Diabetes

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What's Inside

Diabetes is a disease that has come to be commonly found in the population. Generally connected with obesity, diabetes is not an age-biased disease. This means that people of all age groups are equally vulnerable to developing this disease. Here in this article we will be discussing about the impact of probiotics and the best probiotics for diabetes to have in 2020.

About 30.2 million people in the United States who are above 18 years of age belong to the category of undiagnosed and diagnosed diabetes. Women are more likely than men to be diagnosed with this disease. Coronary effects are at the same rate for both men and women. The impacts, such as kidney failure, loss of vision, and sometimes death are the reasons that make diabetes a major health concern for people.

Diabetes – Nature and Impacts

Diabetes refers to diseases in which your body becomes unresponsive to the hormone insulin, or the hormone is not produced in a sufficient amount by the pancreas. When carbohydrate enters your body it is turned into glucose and sent to your bloodstream. The movement of glucose is facilitated by insulin. Insulin is essential for your body to use and store the fat and sugar that enters your body through food. Diabetes prevents the proper usage of insulin, leading to the presence of excessive glucose in your blood. This condition is what you call high blood sugar.

Types of Diabetes

The common types of diabetes are Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes is diagnosed when the antibodies that your body produces target and attack your pancreas such that the organ is damaged and fails to produce insulin. Type 2 diabetes is a relatively common form of diabetes that is diagnosed in people with obesity as obesity causes insulin resistance.

Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that is likely to be diagnosed during pregnancy when insulin resistance may occur. Diabetes can also be caused by infections, pancreatic diseases, or medications, and surgeries.


The symptoms that are associated with diabetes include-

  • Frequent urination – the increase in blood sugar level in diabetes interrupts with the kidney’s capacity to reabsorb glucose. This makes your body produce more urine than usual, and also makes you feel thirstier.
  • Fatigue – this is caused by insulin deficiency or resistance.
  • Weight loss – your body’s attempt to cope with the lack of energy obtained from food can cause it to burn your muscles and fat. And this will result in sudden weight loss.
  • Yeast infections – when the amount of glucose in your body exceeds the normal level, you may develop yeast infections.
  • Diminished healing process – the impact of this disease on your nerves and blood flow may cause your wounds to take longer for healing.


The underlying cause for Type 1 diabetes is the damage caused to the pancreas by your body’s immune system. Genetic and environmental factors are often associated with this disease.

Type 2 diabetes is often the result of obesity.  The role of genes is found to be more prominent in certain ethnic groups such as Asians, African Americans, American Indians, Hispanics, and the Pacific Islanders.

Your lifestyle has an important role to play in the occurrence of various diseases, including diabetes. Lack of exercise combined with excessive consumption of junk foods can be a favorable condition for developing diabetes.


Probiotics can simply be understood as the bacteria and yeast that are good for your body. Your gut is filled with various microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria, parasites, and viruses. They are together known as the microbiome, some of which are harmful while others are beneficial for the body.

Probiotics are successfully associated with enhanced immunity. They help your body in fighting against diarrhea and prevents constipation.  The usefulness of probiotics in lowering blood sugar is also well established. Other benefits include lowering cholesterol, improving vaginal health, reducing anxiety, treating ulcers, and eliminating urinary tract infections.

Read: The Best blood sugar monitors

Best Probiotics for Diabetes to have in 2021

The pieces of evidence that various studies have provided in favor of using probiotics in the treatment of diabetes has encouraged the availability of probiotic supplements in the market. Some of the manufacturers provide both probiotics and prebiotics. Prebiotics are complex carbohydrates that act as food for microorganisms residing in your gastrointestinal tract. This relation between prebiotics and diabetes compels manufacturers to include them in their stock. These are the best probiotics for Diabetes to have in 2020.

1. Probiotic 60 Billion CFU

Consists of 10 strains of probiotics, namely, L.Casei, L.Paracasei, L.Longum, B.Breve, B.Bifidum, L.Salvarius, L.Acidophilus, B.Lactis, L.Bulgaricus, and L.Plantarum. Each of these play an important role in maintaining your digestive health. This supplement includes prebiotics along with chicory root and Jerusalem artichoke root.

Both of these act as sources of insulin which the microorganisms in your digestive tract thrives on. The presence of microorganisms in your gastrointestinal tract is as obvious as the presence of water in the body. But maintaining a balance between the good and bad microorganisms is crucial for good health. This probiotic supplement can also help with your bowel movements and bloating, and can also help you in restoring digestive balance.


  • The only negative aspect of this product involve temporary side effects such as constipation, bloating, headache, fatigue, dry mouth, and dizziness.

2. Probiotic 40 Billion CFU from BioSchwartz

It is a gluten-free supplement that includes Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains, two of the best probiotics for insulin resistance. This supplement has 40 billion CFU or colony forming units, and does not contain lactose, wheat, sugar, nuts, iron, soy, and artificial flavours.

This product has a unique MakTrek Delivery Protection system to ensure that the the probiotics are reaching to your intestines before getting damaged by the stomach acids. The result of all these features is an enhanced immune and digestive system, and a better weight management technique.


  • The presence of Maltodextrin, a food additive, may cause concerns as it increases blood sugar levels.

3. Organic Probiotics 100 Billion CFU

Organic Probiotics 100 Billion CFU from Wholesome Wellness is a product that comes with a money back guarantee. This supplement provides 34 strains and 100 billion CFUs. This consists of both prebiotics and probiotics as well as digestive enzymes that can help you with weight loss, gas and bloating relief, digestive and intestinal health, kidney functioning, metabolism, women’s prenatal, dental problems, leaky gut, and yeast relief.

The ingredients are inclusive of such good probiotics as Lactobacillus acidophilus, paracasei, casei, plantation, Bifidobacterium lactis, and boulardii among others. This high potency probiotic supplement can be taken by both male and female adults, and is free of gluten or other preservatives.


  • If there are any underlying serious medical conditions then one must consult physicians before taking this supplement.

4. Pre-Pro from MAV nutrition

Pre-Pro from MAV nutrition is another variant that includes both prebiotics and probiotics. The purpose of this supplement is also to enhance your digestive system along with improving your immunity.

The supplement has all essential probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, casei, paracasei, Bidobacterium bifidum, and Lactobacillus rhamnosus, all of which will ensure that you have a good immune system with less harmful bacteria or an excess of yeast production.


  • The product does not list allergy details and, hence, requires a physician’s recommendation before you start taking it.

5. Ultimate Flora Probiotic Women’s Care

Ultimate Flora Probiotic Women’s Care by Renew Life is a probiotic supplement that is meant for the immune health of women. The Lactobacilli content of the supplement aims at improving vaginal health, vaginal pH and yeast levels, and healthy microflora.

This gluten and soy-free products have 10 strains of probiotics and 25 billion probiotic cultures. This supplement is found to work well with yeast infections


  • The product is not approved by FDA. This supplement should also be avoided by pregnant women.

6. Probiotic & Prebiotic for Women by Vitamin Bounty

Probiotic & Prebiotic for Women by Vitamin Bounty is also specially designed for women to address issues related to vaginal, immune system, urinary, and digestive. This has 5 strains of probiotics and 10 billion CFUs that aim at keeping women’s vaginal microbiome healthy.

This supplement also works to keep your gastrointestinal tract filled with a balanced variety of microorganisms so that your body can produce nutrients, digest food, and pH levels. Issues of bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and gas can also be addressed with this supplement. This product has a very high preference for treating bacterial vaginosis.


  • The product usually takes a couple of weeks before any improvement can be found.

7. Complete Feminine Balance by AZO

Complete Feminine Balance by AZO is another supplement that is meant for women. This product helps in maintaining the vaginal pH levels. The presence of the multi-strain probiotic intelliflora facilitates feminine health, healthy microflora, and a balance between the co-existence of bacteria and yeast.

Unlike most of the other supplements that that do not recommend consumption by pregnant women, this probiotic supplement claims to be safe during pregnancy with no artificial colors or preservatives. Insulin resistance in pregnant women is caused by the hormones that the placenta produces. While the pancreas in most women produces enough insulin to cope with the situation, some experience strong insulin resistance. Genes and excessive weight gain during pregnancy can trigger the condition. Therefore, maintaining insulin level during pregnancy is important. Another characteristic feature of this supplement is its clinically proven functioning within 7 seven days of consumption. This product is not known to cause allergies or severe side effects, and is known to be effective in dealing with yeast infections. Customer reviews are especially in favor of using this supplement for managing bacterial vaginosis.


  • The side effects such as bloating, stomachache, or gas may occur. Also, this supplement is not meant for digestive problems.

8. Pro 50 Probiotics

Pro 50 Probiotics from Vitamin Bounty include 13 strains of probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, plantarum, casei, and paracasei. With 50 billion CFUs, this product helps you with gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation issues by nourishing your gut.

The presence of Lactobacillus brevis helps in reducing bowel inflammation and treating ulcers.


  • This product requires checking contraindications for the presence of fermented items like oat, barley, wheat, or alfalfa.

9. Probiotics Dietary Supplement

Probiotics Dietary Supplement from Nature’s Bounty helps in maintaining the intestinal microflora balance. The acidophilus probiotic, a variant of this category, consists of 100 million Lactobacillus acidophilus, along with other ingredients such as cellulose, stearic acid, silica, and magnesium stearate.


  • This supplement is comparatively less expensive, and does not have any side effects other than the common ones such as discomfort or bloating.

10. Ultimate Flora Probiotic Extra Care

50 Billion from Renew Life, containing 12 strains of probiotics, can also help in keeping your immune system at check. This supplement has 30 billion probiotic cultures to enhance your digestive system.

The probiotic strains include the most widely studied Lactobacillus rhamnosus which is known for preventing harmful bacteria from growing in the digestive tract and stomach. These, too, are gluten and soy free capsules that boost your immune and digestive system, thus reducing issues of diarrhea and constipation.


  • Customer reviews suggest that this the intake of this probiotic may cause bloating, gas, vomiting, nausea, stomach pain, and diarrhea. This is also not recommended during pregnancy. A CFU analysis found that the product does not contain as many live cultures as claimed due to the loss of the probiotic colonies upon long storage period.

Is Probiotics Good for Diabetes

The increased inflammatory stress that accompanies diabetes is found to have a connection with molecular mechanisms that then lead to insulin resistance. This condition is worsened by the interaction of intestinal microbiota with your genes and environmental factors, eventually exposing you to diabetes.

How do Probiotics Help?

The intake of probiotics is associated with the structural improvement of your gut. This, in turn, improves your intestinal epithelium, and eventually result in enhanced insulin sensitivity. Lactobacillus, a common probiotic, is found to improve your intestinal environment and prevent bacterial lipopolysaccharides from entering the systemic circulation. And the result is a reduction in the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Final Verdict

Thus, studies and practical results have provided some confirmation about the usefulness of probiotics for the treatment of diabetes. Although further explorations are still needed before they can be regarded as one of the best treatments for diabetes, the current findings do support its inclusion in diets. Moreover, the general usefulness of best probiotics for diabetes makes them a healthy dietary supplement.

About Tim Mathew

Tim Mathew is an Endocrinologist specialized in general endocrinology, diabetes, and lipid metabolism. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in a science-related discipline and completed a medical school program in New York. Once Tim Mathew quoted that Endocrinology is both a challenging and rewarding medical specialty, so he wants to specialize in it. To know more about Tim Mathew kindly go through our about page.

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