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Are you thinking about how bread can get along with diabetes? Confused about the food choices, being a diabetes patient? Here’s an interesting read to understand the bread choices for diabetic people.
Food is one of the simplest pleasures of life. Living with diabetes can be uncomfortable and unexciting for those who love food. You may not be able to decide on what to have when you are living with diabetes. People with diabetes would need to avoid foods that contain an increased amount of carbohydrates as it can also raise blood sugar levels. Certain kinds of foods like fruits, vegetables, desserts, bread, milk, and grains will have the content of carbohydrates in them. These foods are part of our day-to-day life, and avoiding them can be impractical. Completely giving up carbohydrates from the diet can also be unhealthy. The only thing one should be aware that the intake of too many carbohydrates can be unhealthy.
Bread is usually not recommended for people with diabetes as they are high in carbohydrates. Certain types of bread might be high in sugar or overly processed, and with lots of calories. It is important to choose carefully for a healthier meal. This article discusses the important information if you are looking for the best bread choices for diabetics
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Understanding Diabetes
In people with diabetes, the body may not make or utilize enough insulin to process the food. Lower insulin levels increase the sugar level. People who have high cholesterol and triglyceride levels should also take care of the sugar and fat intake in everyday life. There are mainly two types of diabetes- type 1 and type 2. People with type-1 diabetes might require daily insulin injections and a definite diet plan. The diet plan for type-1 diabetes patients will focus on maintaining low blood sugar. Type-2 diabetes patients will have to follow a diet plan and exercise routine to support decreasing the blood sugar. If the blood sugar level cannot be managed with diet and exercise, the patient may need oral medications or insulin as a part of their daily life. For people with both types of diabetes, it is important to follow a healthy diet plan, make wise nutritional choices, and take care of carbohydrate intake.
Healthy Diet Plans For Diabetic Patients:
A wise diet plan is vital while making changes to control the blood sugar levels for a healthy body. While avoiding certain food items, it is important to ensure satisfying nutrition that may go unnoticed. There is no one-size-fits-all plan in the case of diabetes. Diet plans can vary according to the overall health and other external factors that may affect the sugar level. If you are looking for one, here are some meal plans to follow. The plans discussed in this article focuses on minimizing unforeseen blood sugar changes, high-fiber choices, and slow digestion. Seeking help from a dietitian or doctor can also help one to choose the right plan.
Carbohydrates Counting
A wise diet plan is vital while making changes to control the blood sugar levels for a healthy body. While avoiding certain food items, it is important to ensure satisfying nutrition that may go unnoticed. There is no one-size-fits-all plan in the case of diabetes. Diet plans can vary according to the overall health and other external factors that may affect the sugar level. If you are looking for one, here are some meal plans to follow. The plans discussed in this article focuses on minimizing unforeseen blood sugar changes, high-fiber choices, and slow digestion. Seeking help from a dietitian or doctor can also help one to choose the right plan.
- Complex carbohydrates: Also called starches, gives the feeling of fullness and is healthy when consumed in proper amounts.
- Sugar: This kind is not a healthy choice for diabetic patients. It can heighten the blood sugar levels, and add bare calories to meals.
- Fiber: This helps in controlling the blood sugar levels. Eating 20 to 35 grams of fiber every day can be helpful for diabetes patients.
The Plate Method
The method does not rely on carbohydrates counting. This method works by including a lot of non-starchy vegetables, grains, and protein-rich foods. The proportion of these elements are defined as-
- Half of the plate with vegetables like broccoli, kale, or green peppers.
- A quarter of the plate with grains, beans, or bread.
- Another quarter with protein-rich foods.
The patient may add a serving of fruit daily depending on the overall meal plan. The meal can be added with any low-calories drink or water.
Exchange Lists
In this method, foods with similar nutritional values are listed in a group. The patient can substitute one with another easily. Usually, bread is out in the starch list. The starch list may contain 15 grams of carbs, a small amount of fat, 80 calories, and 3 grams of protein. One slice of bread can be exchanged with some other food items in the same list and vice versa.
The 10 Bread Choices For Diabetic People
If you have decided to make bread a part of the meal, it is important to read the nutritional value given on the cover. The American Diabetes Association recommends 100% whole wheat bread or whole-grain bread over white bread. White bread is not recommended for diabetes patients as it is made using highly processed white flour and added sugar. If you are monitoring carbs and calories, whole grain bread is the ideal choice. There are plenty of other healthy bread choices for diabetes patients available in the market. Some of the best bread choices for diabetic people are:
- Flax-seed, almond-flour, chia-seed, and spelt bread: All these varieties of bread are a source of healthy fat, protein, and fiber. However, do not buy without checking the labels. A loaf of these types of bread can contain a high amount of calories. Check for the label, and if one slice contains more than 100 calories, try to have only one slice.
- Tortillas and whole-grain wraps: There are 100% whole-wheat, whole-rice, whole-corn, and low-carb wraps available in the market. Trying low-carb, high-fiber tortillas can also help. When compared to the typical white bread, these wraps can have twice the fiber and half the carbs in them. As tortillas and wraps come largely in quantities, always have a check on the calories per serving.
- Organic whole-grain bread: You can find many brands making a nutritious, yet delicious bread with organic ingredients. To make sure they serve low carb serving, the slices are also made thin. Whole-grain bread is the best choice to balance your glycemic index. Whole-grain bread is not just the whole wheat bread. It may also include bread made of barley, oats, millet, and quinoa.
- Gluten-free corn and rice bread and tortillas: The gluten-free foods don’t need to be always made of 100% whole grain. However, they can be ideal for diabetes and celiac disease patients.
- Traditional pumpernickel bread: Pumpernickel bread is made of sourdough starter and rye flour. These bread are known for the low glycemic index. Bread containing molasses can be unhealthy as it may increase the sugar and carbohydrate content.
- Sprouted bread: It can be great for diabetic patients. These bread are made with grains that have just begun to sprout. Sprouted bread is known to have a lower glycemic index. Sprouted bread contains essential amino acids, high amounts of fiber, and protein. They can be the healthiest choice of bread for diabetes patients.
As a quick reach, filling option, bread are tricky. You can fit them in the diabetic meal plan by limiting the total carbohydrate consumption. Now that you have got an idea of types of bread for a diabetic diet plan, it is also important to be aware of those needs to be avoided.
Bread to Avoid in a Diabetic Diet Plan
Bread made with white flour is the worst choice for diabetic patients. They are made of refined carbohydrates, which cannot be recommended to maintain the blood sugar levels. Another vital point of why white flour bread is not a good choice is the way it is made. While making white flour bread, grains are processed for the soft texture. This strips away the vitamin, minerals, and fiber contents in it. Without these contents, the bread can have a higher glycemic index. Though the manufacturers add back the lost minerals and minerals while making them, it cannot ensure fiber content. Read the labels carefully to choose bread enriched with wheat flour. The next kinds of bread that need to be excluded from the list are the sweet-kind. Bread with high-fructose corn syrup, sugar, and molasses are plentifully available in the market. Watch out for bread with such ingredients which should be completely excluded from the diet of a diabetes patient.
Bread containing dried fruits and raisins are some of the popular choices of most people. However, they are not favorable for diabetic patients as they are high in carbohydrates. It can have a negative effect on their sugar level. While trying to include bread in your diet, always consider reading the labels carefully. Bread containing zero proteins, high carbohydrates, and other sugary ingredients should be strictly avoided if you are on a diabetic diet plan.
Do’s and Don’t for Including Bread in a Diabetic Diet Plan
- Choose bread of whole-grain varieties. If you are looking at the label, ensure there is ‘whole’ mentioned in it. You can go for whole grain, whole oat, whole wheat, or whole rye bread.
- Ensure the fiber content mentioned in the label. Bread containing at least 3 grams of fiber per slice can be the best choice.
- While eating, put a brake on the caloric intake. If a bread slice contains more than 100 calories, have a slice with protein-rich vegetables or other healthy combinations. Do not make a sandwich of two slices, if one slice has more than 100 calories in it.
- While choosing pumpernickel or tortillas, consider buying those with low-carbohydrate contents.
- Pair low-carb tortillas or bread with protein-rich items that can make you feel full and reduce the postprandial blood sugars. You can pair it with vegetables, sliced chicken, nut butter, or chopped egg as a healthy combination.
- Avoid white bread and bread made with white flour. Wraps, bagels, Italian bread, and rolls can be included in this list.
- If the label says only ‘multi-grain’ rather than wholegrain, don’t buy them. Bread with such labels can be misleading and may not be a whole-grain bread.
- Always consume bread with protein. Eating bread raw can cause an increase in the blood sugar level.
Analyze The Nutrients In Your Diabetic Eat
Whether one is diabetic or not, it is important to focus on the most vital contents for your health. All kinds of bread from the store may contain some elements that should be avoided. Always read the ingredient list before buying. Here are a few tips for the ingredients you need to look for in the label.
- Calories: Be it on any diet, keeping calories to a healthy measure is always recommended. On a diabetic diet, choose bread that is around 90 or fewer calories per slice. Bread containing seeds and nuts can be healthy, but higher in calories. If you choose a high-calorie type bread, remember to keep the portion size smaller.
- Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the most important ingredient that impacts blood sugar levels. You can plan your meal with the help of a nutritionist. According to the meal plan, you may need to see the intake of carbs suggested in your diet. It would be healthy to choose bread containing 15 to 20 grams of carbs per serving. While reading the labels, look for the serving size mentioned as well. If you had to purchase bread without a label, weighing it can help in calculating the carbs intake.
- Fiber: Fiber-rich food can help in slow down the blood sugar rise, lower the cholesterol level, keep the bowel movements regular, and increase the feeling of fullness. Bread with high fiber can be a healthy choice.
- Fat: There are different types of fat such as unsaturated fats, saturated fats, and trans fat. Diabetes patients will benefit from eating foods low in trans fats and saturated fats. Unsaturated fats are heart-healthy and can be included moderately in the diet plan. Though most bread does not contain very high amounts of fat, it is healthy to choose less than 1.5 grams of saturated fat and 0 grams of trans fat.
- Sodium: An increased intake of sodium can cause a rise in blood pressure levels. You can include bread that contains 150 milligrams or less of sodium per slice.
- Whole grains: If the labels suggest the bread to be 100% whole grain, you can choose it for the diabetic diet.
Do not choose bread that contains high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, dough conditioners like DATEM, and other artificial colors. If you are to buy the perfect and healthy bread from the stores, it would be better to make some on your own. Commercial bread will surely have some unhealthy elements added to them.
Many people think that diabetes patients are not meant to include bread in their diet. If chosen wisely, bread can also be a part of a diabetes patient’s meal plan. While buying bread from stores, check the labels for the nutritional contents like calories, carbohydrates, and fat content. Whole-grain bread is low in added sugars and rich in fiber. Checking the blood sugar levels before and after eating bread can help you understand how your body responds. A nutritionist or dietitian can help you choose the best bread choice as per your health condition. Healthy eating is all about making healthy meal choices.