5 Steps To Know Before Traveling With Diabetes!

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The content has been written to provide helpful information to people who desire to travel but they are prone to diabetes. Diabetes should not stop you from living your life freely, but it becomes a matter of concern when you are planning to go out for work or enjoyment and leisure instead of on normal days.

Tips To Follow Before Traveling With Diabetes!

In such a situation, if you are thinking about how to go out somewhere due to diabetes, then you are looking for the answer in the right place. To go on a journey, pack your luggage with a little care and preparation.

5 Steps To Know Before Traveling With Diabetes

No matter how well you prepare, sometimes things do not go as planned. Even if the worst-case scenario is happening, these steps should help you to manage it safely and quickly.

1. Take Note From The Doctor 

Ask your doctor to write a note describing your condition (eg, if you have type 1 diabetes or type 2) and your medication needs. It is a good idea to make a few copies of the note in case you lose one.

While at the doctor’s office, you may want to ask for more prescriptions in case you need to get extra medication while you are away. You can also use this appointment to create an action plan when you are dealing with a diabetic emergency.

2. Try To Pack The Healthy Snacks 

Sit one step ahead of your appetite and stay away from junk food by preparing healthy snacks that do not need to be refrigerated. Remember, though, how each snack affects your blood sugar. The best options for healthy snacks are:

  • Nuts mixed with seeds
  • Air-popped popcorn 
  • Whole-grain crackers
  • Dried fruit

3. Create One Checklist

Creating a checklist enables you to plan your travel better, and this applies to everyone. After the plan is made, make a list of what you have to do, what you need to keep with you, and whether anything is with you. This is the best way not to forget important things, this way you will not forget to take things like special medicines, important snacks, even insulin (if taken).

4. Speak Up To Airlines Beforehand

If this is your first flight, it is a good idea to review the airline’s website to see what is allowed on board and whether it can accept special requests or not.

Usually, airlines will not prevent you from taking your diabetes medication and supplies on board, but may have a special procedure for testing and managing your medication. It is important to pack all medicines in a separate plastic bag than other liquid items and everything is clearly labeled.

Also, it is advisable to ask if flight attendants can refrigerate your medication.

5. Always Take Travel Insurance

Often we forget the instructions related to travel insurance, but it is better to keep this in mind, you should choose the best insurance from the available insurance options. Because standard options are not available to everyone.

These are the instructions that every traveler should follow, whether they are going somewhere far or near, alone or with someone, whether they are going for a walk or office work. Always keep in mind all your trip needs, and make arrangements to complete the trip with ease.


Therefore, we can conclude that planning, preparing, and being disciplined not only helps in reversing diabetes, but also helps you live normally without making the condition worse. Now that you know the basics have been covered in this article, let’s plan a trip and have fun.

About Tim Mathew

Tim Mathew is an Endocrinologist specialized in general endocrinology, diabetes, and lipid metabolism. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in a science-related discipline and completed a medical school program in New York. Once Tim Mathew quoted that Endocrinology is both a challenging and rewarding medical specialty, so he wants to specialize in it. To know more about Tim Mathew kindly go through our about page.

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