What's Inside
Glycaemia, also known as the blood sugar level, is the amount of glucose in the blood at any given time. Glucose is the main source of energy. The blood carries glucose to the body cells to use for energy.
The blood sugar level in the body is regulated by a hormone called Insulin. In the pancreas, the beta cells produce insulin and, it is the main anabolic hormone of the body.
Having high or low blood sugar levels paves the way for many underlying diseases. A high blood sugar level is called hyperglycaemia and a low blood sugar level is called hypoglycaemia.
What Is The Best Time To Check The Blood Sugar Levels?
Normal blood glucose levels can be taken during fasting as well as after you have had your food. For adults without diabetes, the normal blood sugar level in fasting (in which you have not had food for at least 8 hours) is less than 100mg/dl. And the normal range after 2 hours of having food is 90-110 mg/dl.
An ideal blood sugar level in the morning for non-diabetic or prediabetic people should be less than 100mg/dl and this is regardless of age.
If you are above 80 years old, the normal fasting blood sugar levels should be between 70 and 130mg/dl. And the blood sugar levels after 2hours of eating should be less than 180mg/dl. Old people who have difficulty maintaining their blood sugar levels should closely monitor their physical activities as well as their eating habits.
Low blood sugar levels may cause memory loss, dizziness, fainting and may even lead to death whereas the high blood sugar level may cause severe kidney diseases, eye problems, lung diseases and heart problems.
When you have food rich in carbohydrates, the blood sugar level may rise because the carbohydrates you consume go to the bloodstream. The beta cells in the pancreas release insulin in response to the carbohydrates and subsequently, the cells use this carbohydrate for energy.
Old people with hypoglycaemia produce too much insulin or might have gone too long without eating gradually faints down as the body does not get much amount of energy.
Old people having hyperglycaemia often have diabetes. In this case, the amount of insulin produced by the pancreas will be too low or won’t produce any and this type of diabetes is called Type1 diabetes.
In Type2 diabetes, the too-low amount of insulin produced will be used for energy. The high blood sugar level damages the organs in your body which in turn leads to your death.
So it is important to keep the blood sugar level in a normal range.
How To Check The Blood Sugar Level?
Seniors with high blood sugar levels or low blood sugar levels should continuously monitor their glucose levels by using blood glucose monitors. The blood glucose monitors are used for single use or continual use.
In single-use, the test strip is placed on the monitor. You then have to give your blood sample in the strip which within seconds, your results will be shown on the monitor.
In continual blood glucose monitors, the monitor continuously checks your blood sugar level and informs you when the number goes high or low.
You should also keep a log of your fasting and nonfasting results and later the doctor will put together the data and will formulate a treatment plan.
How To Maintain A Healthy Blood Sugar Level?
Your blood sugar levels can be kept stable if you have a healthy lifestyle.
Exercising regularly, eating healthy food and taking medications as prescribed by your physician help you maintain your blood sugar level. Avoid having junk and processed foods and also do not forget to drink at least 2litres of water a day.
As it is said, a healthy outside start from inside.
Love yourself so that you can live a healthy lifestyle.