What's Inside
Insulin is a hormone created by the pancreas to regulate the amount of glucose entering our blood. Insulin helps to store glucose in the liver, fat, and muscles. When the blood sugar level rises, the pancreas release insulin to store the sugar, so that sugar can be later used in the form of energy. Without proper insulin function, a person suffers from diabetic conditions leading to a rise in blood sugar levels.
Insulin Storage Precautions
With the inability of the pancreas to create insulin, the blood sugar level rises. In order to control blood sugar levels, human insulin is injected into our body by injection under the skin or into veins or muscles. Human insulin functions the same way as the insulin produced inside the body.
Human insulin works by helping transfer sugar from the blood to different body tissues where it is converted to energy. It also helps the liver to stop producing more sugar.
How Insulin Is Stored?
Storing of insulin is highly crucial to maintain its effectiveness, its recommended by professionals that insulin should be stored in refrigeration between 2-8 degree celsius to long last its efficiency
- All kinds of insulin should be kept away from direct heat and out of direct sunlight.
- Insulin can be stored in the appropriate way until the date of the expiration. Expired insulation should be discarded right away.
Is It Necessary To Store It In Refrigeration?
- All the insulin should be stored with care to function effectively
- Opened insulin vials, pens, and bottles can be stored at room temperature for a maximum of 28 days or they can be stored in refrigeration
- Unopened bottles or vials should be kept in a refrigerator at a temperature between 2°C to 8°C
- Storing in refrigeration at a minimal degree won’t influence the effectiveness because the insulin is stored at a consistent and moderate temperature until it is used
What Happens When Insulin Is Stored In Extreme Temperatures?
- Insulin is very sensitive to extreme hot and cold temperatures. Insulin under extreme temperatures can make changes in blood sugar levels when injected.
- The longer the insulin is subjected to extreme heat temperature conditions, it loses its effectiveness, resulting in loss of blood glucose level in insulin.
- When insulin is kept at extremely cold temperatures, insulin is frozen. When frozen the insulin solution becomes crystal and breaks its molecule, which causes to loss in the properties and efficiency of the insulin.
- Frozen insulin does not work anymore, injecting frozen insulin can worsen the diabetic condition of a patient
- The insulin vials that have been subjected to these harsh circumstances ought to be thrown away and replaced as soon as feasible.
- Insulin can be stored in the appropriate way until the date of the expiration. Expired insulation should be discarded right away.
How To Take Insulin?
Unlike many medications insulin cannot be administered orally, instead, insulin is administered into the body through injection. Commonly insulin is stored in a vial and the injection is carried out with the help of a syringe and needle.
Choose the appropriate syringe with the right measurements, and be careful to select the correct type of insulin and the right measurement from the vial prescribed by the doctor, before injecting.
The required dosage is injected using the syringe under the skin, veins, or muscles. Never reuse the syringe or the needle. Dispose of the syringe and needle into a venture-resistant container.
Human Insulin is an alternative to the insulin produced in the body. Human insulin relieves the stress and tension of diabetic patients. Human insulin helps regulates the blood sugar levels in the body. It’s crucial for doctors to educate patients about appropriate ways of storing and using human insulin.
As we all know the effectiveness of insulin depends on the condition of storage, so it’s crucial to store it with utmost care in order to conserve maximum efficiency in the insulin Moreover, human insulin should be used as per the doctor’s instructions.