Can A Pancreas Transplant Cure Your Diabetes? Side Effects, Treatment!

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What's Inside

The pancreas helps in the digestion process and to regulate blood sugar levels too. It is located in the abdomen and has two pancreatic hormones namely, insulin and glucagon. Insulin helps to reduce blood sugar levels and glucagon increases blood sugar levels.

Pancreas Transplant Cures Your Diabetes!

If your pancreas becomes unable to produce enough insulin or if your body doesn’t respond to the insulin which is produced, the glucose gathers in the bloodstream which causes diabetes. 

Some people may want to get a permanent cure for diabetes, transplanting the pancreas is not recommended but still acts as a cure to the condition. 

Pancreas Transplant Cure Your Diabetes

🟡What Is A Pancreas Transplant?  

A pancreas transplant is done when a person with a pancreas having diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes in which it is not able to produce sufficient amounts of insulin, receives a pancreas from a donor who is either deceased or brain dead with a healthy pancreas. 

A pancreas transplant is suggested for persons with type 1 diabetes which severely affects the kidney and that causes other severe diseases attached to it.

🟡Risks Related To The Transplantation Procedure

Like any other transplantation, pancreas transplantation might have several risks associated with the procedure. There is a chance of failure of the donor pancreas itself and even the risk of rejection of the same. 

The procedure has certain risks including bleeding, clotting of blood, and the chances of getting infected are high. 

Hyperglycemia is one of the severe complications that may occur during or after the transplantation procedure.

🟡Can Pancreas Transplantation Cure Diabetes? 

Pancreas transplantation may involve many complications as a procedure like every other transplant. But it may certainly improve the functioning of insulin in your body. 

Your pancreas may work properly as it should be after the transplantation. your pancreas will start producing insulin and you can avoid taking the insulin shots which you used to otherwise. This is mainly for people with type 1 diabetes.

Although pancreas transplantation may have a considerable positive change, it is not recommended as much without any severe complications. 

Pancreas Transplantation Cure Diabetes

🟡Side Effects Of The Transplantation

In many cases, the chances of the donor pancreas getting rejected are high. To prevent this from happening, you may need to take immunosuppressant medication for your life after the procedure. It may involve some side effects which might be serious at times including,

👉High cholesterol

👉Weight gain

👉Bone thinning

👉Risks of cancer

👉Nausea or vomiting


👉Acne and other skin problems

🟡What To Expect After The Procedure?

✅ A person who has just undergone the procedure of a pancreas transplant may have to stay in the hospital for about a few weeks. This is for the better healing of your body as it is the time when proper attention and care are needed for your body. 

✅ After getting out of the hospital, you may need to visit your doctor frequently for a proper examination of your health. The number of checkups can be reduced after a few months when it becomes obvious that the person is in good condition.

✅ You’ll be on medication for the rest of your life after the transplant. Immunosuppressants must be taken regularly to avoid the rejection of the pancreas that is transplanted. 

There are many different types of pancreatic transplants as well depending on the type of diabetes people have. This transplant must be done after the right amount of research about the procedure and after-effects. Following a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise, may help you prevent diabetes or reduce its complications. 

About Tim Mathew

Tim Mathew is an Endocrinologist specialized in general endocrinology, diabetes, and lipid metabolism. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in a science-related discipline and completed a medical school program in New York. Once Tim Mathew quoted that Endocrinology is both a challenging and rewarding medical specialty, so he wants to specialize in it. To know more about Tim Mathew kindly go through our about page.

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