Editorial Policy

Editorial Policy

Our Mission

Act1 Diabetes is a platform where you get unbiased information about diabetes. Our mission is to make people aware of diabetes and help them become free of the chronic condition. We try to attain our mission by providing you with relevant and authentic information about diabetes so that you are well informed about the condition and can take your first step into a life that is free of diabetes.

Editorial Process

Our team of experts at Act1 Diabetes gives you information that has been thoroughly researched and analyzed before it is published on our site. Our intention is to make our readers educated and for that, we only bring authentic and unfiltered content to you. Every piece of information that is published on Act1 diabetes was chosen from trusted medical and scientific sources and was verified for its authenticity by our team of experts. 

Editorial Integrity

Act1 Diabetes brings out information that are entirely unbigoted and original. Our editorial team is committed to sharing only authentic information with our readers and we ensure that everything on Act1 Diabetes is carefully chosen after checking for its integrity. We provide you with varying information about diabetes including diabetes, healthy living, product reviews, food recipes, and many more that can improve your journey of treating diabetes. We aim to stand as a supportive hand that people who have diabetes or who have a loved one who is diabetic can rely on for authentic information. 


Our readers are the one who motivates us to strive forward and your opinion and feedback hold great value to us. We would like to know any of the thoughts that you have on our official website and if you have any opinions and comments that you would like to share, feel free to connect with us. 

Advertising Policy

Act1 diabetes provides a platform for people to advertise their content and banners. With thousands of visitors per month, we can assist with your promotional needs. Act1 diabetes isn’t responsible for any content shared for promotional needs and we only serve as a platform to advertise your content. Nevertheless, our editorial team does analyze the content before publishing it on our website.