What's Inside
Apart from an aesthetic issue, belly fat is a real antagonist when health is concerned. Do you know that belly fat is related to insulin resistance?
What Is Insulin Resistance? Insulin-Resistant Belly Fat Reduction Steps!
Insulin resistance is the condition in which your body stops responding to insulin. Insulin is one of the important hormones produced by the pancreas and helps in strong or using blood sugar.
Normally, when you eat excess carbs or sugar than your body can use insulin to instruct the body cells to use or store it as fat. Here body cells will not use or store sugar and the body keeps producing insulin.
Insulin resistance and belly fat
Belly fat or the fat that builds up deep in the abdomen causes insulin resistance and Type 2 Diabetes more than any other type of body fat. There are studies assessing that the belly fat and insulin resistance together cause inflammation and malfunctioning of organs like the liver and pancreas and the condition is very dangerous.
Insulin resistance and abdominal fat are really in a chicken and egg situation. Both cause each other and both worsen the condition of the person with diabetes.
How do I know that I am insulin resistant?
To recognize whether you are insulin resistant or not, the only way is to conduct the blood tests as per the instruction of a doctor. There are a few symptoms that are common if you are insulin resistant such as uncontrolled thirst or hunger, frequent urination, hungry feel immediately after a meal, tingling sensation in hands or feet, frequent infections in any part of the body, high BP and blood sugar.
Foods to choose to regulate insulin resistance
The major source of blood sugar is the carbs or sugar that we eat. There are certain food items to be avoided and chosen to regulate insulin resistance.
Here is the list doctors prescribed lists of non-starchy plant foods that are not expensive. These food items such as cabbage, cauliflower, cucumber, olives, onions, mushrooms, jalapeno, green onions, lettuce, spinach, Sauerkraut, tomatoes, nuts, Zucchini, almonds, and walnuts can help lower insulin resistance and lose belly fat.
Insulin resistance, diabetes, and belly fat, for all these three there are a set off an item that you have to avoid completely. Processed food with added sugar, fat, and salt, saturate and Trans-fat like, sweetened drinks, such as soda and fruit drinks, must be avoided completely.
The carbs intake is the basis of all these diets or planning. Reduce carbs intake as much as you can. It is the first step toward the success against insulin resistance and belly fat.
Steps to get rid of insulin resistance belly fat
Here are a few steps or tips you can follow to increase your insulin sensitivity and reduce your belly fat.
- Monitor your blood sugar and regulate it.
- Pay a visit to your health care provider at least once every three months.
- Avoid trans-fat food items such as cakes, cookies, pies, fried foods, and frozen pizza.
- Apple cider vinegar can be your prime drink as the vinegar content helps in insulin sensitivity.
- Let cinnamon spice up your favorite dishes as it is very effective for improved insulin sensitivity.
- Make veggies your passion. Add more herbs and spices to your diet.
- Restrict yourself from consuming added sugar carbs.
- Eat fruits and vegetables raw.
- Add legumes, oatmeal, and flax seeds into your diet as they are rich in soluble fiber.
- Exercise regularly
- Loss of excess body weight.
Final take – How Do I Break My Insulin Resistance To Lose Weight?
Belly fat, body weight, diabetes, and insulin resistance – all are interrelated. A balanced diet and regular exercise and regulated blood sugar levels can help you in these aspects. Insulin resistance and belly are fast and complementary to each other and need to be controlled. An early diagnosis of insulin resistance can prevent complications.